
Kristina, head shot from side, black & white

Kristina Busse’s PhD is in English from Tulane University, where she studied postmodern Holocaust narratives. She teaches in the Department of Philosophy at the University of South Alabama.

Her primary research is on fan fiction and fan cultures, and her work has appeared in various collections and journals, including Cinema Journal, Camera Obscura, and Popular Communication.

She has coedited Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet (McFarland 2006) and The Fan Fiction Studies Reader (U of Iowa Press 2014) with Karen Hellekson and Sherlock and Transmedia Fandom (McFarland 2012) with Louisa Stein. Her essay collection is Framing Fan Fiction: Literary and Social Practices in Fan Fiction Communities (U of Iowa Press 2017). She is currently coauthoring Fan Fantasies and the Politics of Desire (U of Michigan 2026) with Alexis Lothian.

Kristina is founding coeditor with Karen Hellekson of Transformative Works and Cultures (2008–22) and was on the Board of Directors for the Organization for Transformative Works (2016–19).

Kristina Busse