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academic essays
- Kristina Busse. 2013. “Pon Farr, Mpreg, Bonds, and the Rise of the Omegaverse” In Anne Jamison, ed., Fic: Why Fanfiction is Taking over the World, 288–94. Dallas, TX: BenBella.
- Marianne Gunderson. 2017. “What is an omega? Rewriting sex and gender in omegaverse fanfiction.” M.A. Thesis, University of Oslo, Blindern, Norway.
- Elliot Aaron Director. 2017. “Something Queer in his Make-Up: Genderbending, Omegaverses, and Fandom’s Discontents.” Ph.D. Thesis, Bowling Green State University.
- Isabela Silva. 2017. “From Alpha to Omega: the Creation and Negotiation of a Fan Genre.” BA Thesis. Arizona State U.
- Milena Popova. 2018. “Dogfuck rapeworld: Omegaverse fanfiction as a critical tool in analyzing the impact of social power structures on intimate relationships and sexual consent.” Porn Studies 5(2): 175–91.
- Laura Campillo Arnaiz. 2018. “When the Omega Empath Met the Alpha Doctor: An Analysis of the Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics in the Hannibal Fandom.” In Ashton Spacey, ed. The Darker Side of Fan Fiction: Essays on Power, Consent and the Body, 116–39. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.
- JT Weisser. 2019. “Transmasculinities and Pregnant Monstrosity: Hannibal Omegaverse Fan-Fiction.” Cultivate: The Feminist Journal of the Centre for Women’s Studies 2.
- Tess Barone. 2019. “Just Go Find Yourself a Nice Alpha: Gender and Consent in Supernatural Fanfiction’s Alpha/Beta/Omega Universe.” B.A. Thesis, Oregon State U.
- G.C. van de Vegt. 2020. “The Second Genders: Utopia and Dystopia in Stranger Things Omegaverse Fanfiction. ” BA Thesis, Utrecht U.
- Angie Fazekas. “Alpha/Beta/Omega: Racialized Narratives and Fandom’s Investment in Whiteness.” In Rukmini Pande, ed. Fandom, Now in Color. 95–108. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
- Rachel Joy Seifrit. 2021. Seifrit, Rachel Joy. “Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are: Sexuality and Gender Exploration in Contemporary Slash Fanfiction.” M.A. Thesis, Kutztown U of Pennsylvania.
- Kelsey Entrikin. 2022. “Romancing the Beast : Intersections of Power, Gender, and Sexuality in Omegaverse Fan Fiction.” PhD Thesis, U of Strathclyde, UK.
- Lexi Martin. 2022. “I Am the Alpha and the Omega: Transfem narratives in omegaverse femslash.” The Undergraduate Journal of Sexual Diversity Studies: 66.
- Sarah Perkins. 2023. “Ripe for the Taking: Disrupting Narratives of a Queer Utopia in the Alpha/Beta/Omega Fanfiction Gift Economy.” M.A. Thesis, Trent U, Canada.
- Kelsey Entrikin. 2023. “Predatory Seduction: Scenting as a Catalyst for Power Hierarchy in Omegaverse Fan Fiction.” Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 40.
- Jon Heggestad. 2023. “Pregnant Teen Wolf: The Border Wars of Mpreg Fics.” In “Trans Fandom,” edited by Jennifer Duggan and Angie Fazekas, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 39.
- Snigdha Sarkar and Saikat Banerjee. 2023. “Omega Chronicles: Mapping the Landscape of Violence in Japanese Manga.” Literature & Aesthetics 33, no. 1: 127-137.
- Paige Hartenburg. 2024. “Beyond the Knot: Reparative Fiction and the Omegaverse.” In Fix-It Fics: Challenging the Status Quo through Fan Fiction, edited by Kaitlin Tonti. Wilmington: Vernon Press.
- Callum Hew Sarracino. 2024. “Canine courtship: Zoomorphism in Japanese Boys Love Omegaverse manga.” East Asian Journal of Popular Culture.
omegaverse litigation